Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Statutory Rape is a serious sex crime

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2014 | Sex Crimes

Sex crimes are extremely major criminal charges that should never be taken lightly. Yet, far too often statutory rape is considered a minor issue to those outside of the legal world. 

The penalties for statutory rape are different in every state. It can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor. It may be punishable by incarceration, fine, probation, as well as registry as a sex offender. All depend on which state you are in and the circumstances of the incident. 

In the state of Florida, even if there is a committed relationship between a 24 year-old and a 17 year-old, that adult can go to prison for up to 15 years.

If you have seen the movie DAZED AND CONFUSED you might remember one of the film’s most famous lines:

That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.”

Now before you do you best Matthew McConaughey imitation by saying “all right, all right, all right“… 

You must remember that you need a skilled defense attorney for a statutory rape charge. “We love each other” or “I thought he/she was 18” isn’t going to fly in court.

Our law firm won’t let anything get in the way of providing you with the best defense imaginable. 

We will find any and all inconsistencies in the prosecution’s case, as well as track down any witnesses who are involved. 

This complicated issue can be resolved, as long as you trust attorney and have faith that justice is on your side.