Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Experienced & Skilled Defense Attorneys To Fight Your Criminal Traffic Charges

Many Floridians do not realize that certain traffic offenses are considered criminal charges, not civil ones. You will receive much more than just a ticket for these offenses. You could face jail time, fines of thousands of dollars and the permanent revocation of your driver’s license.

At The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates, we handle all criminal traffic offenses for clients in Orlando and the surrounding metro area. Our team includes attorneys and a former judge who are board-certified in criminal defense. You can come to us with criminal traffic violations such as:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Reckless driving
  • Hit-and-runs
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Racing on a highway
  • Fleeing from a law enforcement officer
  • Vehicular manslaughter

When you work with our firm, we will handle everything for you. For a free consultation, call The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates today.

We Fight To Protect You From The Consequences

The court punishes traffic crimes harshly, especially if you already have one or more on your criminal record. The state of Florida considers anyone who racks up three or more serious traffic offenses within five years or who earns a certain number of points on their license a habitual traffic offender (HTO). If the court designates you a HTO, you could lose your license for five years. Working with a criminal law attorney to negotiate a plea bargain or defend your rights in court may keep you safe from severe penalties.

What Do You Need To Know About Criminal Traffic Charges?

You may think you have everything under control when it comes to your situation, but there’s a lot you may not know. We want to get you the answers you need. To get started, we will take a look at some of the questions we get most often when a client comes to us about a criminal traffic charge.

What Is The Difference Between A Civil Traffic Offense And A Criminal Traffic Offense?

Civil traffic offenses are lighter infractions that receive only tickets that are payable. These cases are heard in a civil court, not a criminal one, and usually don’t require a court hearing. Criminal traffic charges are much more severe. They mean that a police officer has arrested you or given you a notice to appear for committing a crime related to driving. A conviction could mean jail time, probation, community service or the loss of your license.

How Will You Get To Your Job If You Lose Your License?

In some cases, Florida courts will grant hardship licenses to people whose licenses are suspended or revoked. A hardship license allows you to drive to work so you can earn a living.

Could You Really Go To Jail For A Criminal Traffic Offense?

Absolutely – Florida’s state attorneys and judges do not play around when it comes to severe traffic violations. If you are facing a first-time offense, you will likely receive a lighter sentence or may get a plea offer allowing you to accept a lesser charge in exchange for taking driving classes or another penalty. However, the state will not hesitate to incarcerate you, especially for a repeat offense that involves property damage or bodily injury.

It’s Not Too Late – Get Our Help Today

If charged with a traffic crime, speak with us. We may be able to help you with your situation. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience and over 1,000 5-star reviews from satisfied former clients. Please call our Orlando office today at 407-680-2093 or contact us online to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced traffic violation defense lawyers.

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