Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Orlando Defense Lawyers: Indecent Exposure Charges

Sex crimes are initially tried in the court of public opinion. News of an arrest and subsequent charge can become a media sensation. Before any trial commences, the accused could be found guilty in the court of public opinion. An indecent exposure conviction in actual court can include fines, imprisonment and lifetime registration as a sex offender.

At The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates, our team of defense lawyers moves quickly to protect the rights of those charged with indecent exposure. Our defense attorneys investigate all aspects of the criminal charge and fights to pursue the best outcome for clients facing lifelong consequences.

Guiding You Through the Legal Process Every Step of the Way

At the initial consultation, your attorney will spend time with you, educating you on the process. They will remain at your side throughout every court appearance. Our team applies knowledge and skills built on our founder’s combined experience and success as a criminal defense attorney with a background in prosecuting criminal offenders. That insight and our firm’s unique point of view are invaluable when freedoms and futures are at stake.

Clients come to The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates facing charges of exposing sexual organs in a public place or on private property. Their lives are forever changed as alleged vulgar, indecent, lewd or lascivious conduct becomes public knowledge. They stand to lose not only their freedom, but also relationships with family members and close friends.

Contact Us Today

If you have been charged with indecent exposure or any other sex crime, contact us online or call us at 407-680-2093 for more detailed information about your case and to speak with a lawyer.