Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Racing and Reckless Driving

Florida’s “racing on highways” law makes it a criminal misdemeanor to engage in certain types of street racing and reckless driving. There is a big difference between getting a “racing on the highways” arrest and a traffic ticket for speeding or reckless driving: if you plead guilty to a racing on highways charge, you are pleading guilty to a criminal charge and you face a fine of up to $1,000 and a one-year jail sentence. Your driver’s license can also be suspended for up to one year.

What Is ‘Racing on Highways’?

Florida law (Florida Statutes 316.191) defines “racing on highways” as “the use of one or more motor vehicles in an attempt to outgain or outdistance another motor vehicle, to prevent another motor vehicle from passing, to arrive at a given destination ahead of another motor vehicle or motor vehicles, or to test the physical stamina or endurance of drivers over long-distance driving routes.”

The law also makes it illegal to be a spectator at any such race.

Why Not Just Plead Guilty?

If you plead guilty to a traffic charge like racing on highways or reckless driving charge, you are potentially pleading guilty to something you did not do and that the prosecutor cannot actually prove. You will have a black mark on your criminal record and on your Department of Motor Vehicles record, your car insurance rates may increase, and you will most likely be without a driver’s license for a period of time up to a year.

The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates: High-Quality Criminal Defense Lawyers at Reasonable Rates

At The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates, located in Orlando, Florida, we believe that everyone is entitled to an aggressive and intelligent defense that doesn’t require spending all your savings.

Our law firm is led by an attorney who is a former criminal prosecutor and knows the criminal justice system from the inside out. The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates has a strong record of success defending clients against driving infractions like racing on highways, DUIs, driving with a suspended license and other types of traffic tickets.

Contact The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates for a Free Initial Consultation

From our offices in Orlando, Florida, we represent clients throughout central Florida. We offer reasonable rates, and flexible payment options may be available. Please call our office today at 407-680-2093, or contact us online to schedule an appointment with an experienced traffic violation defense lawyer.