Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia In Florida

An arrest that involves possession of marijuana or any other drugs can result in serious criminal penalties. In addition to those criminal allegations, many clients throughout Orange County and Seminole County come to The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates facing additional charges of possession of paraphernalia. This includes:

  • Bongs
  • Pipes
  • Roach clips
  • Syringes
  • Scales
  • Capsules

Our Firm Includes Former Prosecutors

Before you speak to law enforcement following an arrest, take immediate action with a telephone call to The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates. Our founder, Orlando attorney Corey I. Cohen, the founder of our law firm, combines the experience of a seasoned and successful criminal defense lawyer with insight into the opposing side of the courtroom. Serving as a former prosecutor provides him a unique point of view that has contributed to the effective defense strategies that our team applies to every case.

Our defense lawyers will attend to every detail of your drug paraphernalia case and fight for the best outcome. We will investigate the initial search and seizure and the events that led to your arrest on suspicion of paraphernalia possession. We will also identify if addiction is an issue that can be addressed through treatment.

We understand the misdemeanor and felony criminal penalties our clients face. The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates has succeeded in suppressing evidence secured through illegal searches and seizures. We are dedicated to ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the process.

Contact Us Today

For immediate and aggressive advocacy following a drug-related arrest, contact us online or call us at 407-680-2093 for more detailed information about your case.

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