Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Low-Cost Defense For Probation Violations

At The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates, we believe that everyone is entitled to high-quality legal representation that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Our lawyers offer one of the lowest fees in the Orlando area for handling violation of probation or community control (house arrest) cases.

Just because our fees are low, however, doesn’t mean that our service is second-rate. On the contrary, our team includes former prosecutors who have handled hundreds of jury trials over the years. We have the experience you need. Call 407-680-2093 for a free consultation with a knowledgeable criminal law attorney.

Beware: You Are In Danger Of Serving The Original Sentence

If convicted of a charge of probation violation, you can receive the original jail or prison sentence for the crime you got probation or community control for. The sentence will not take into account any time you spent successfully serving probation or community control. In other words, if the original sentence was five years and you successfully served six months’ probation, you could still be sentenced to the original five-year prison term.

We Argue For Your Release Pending The Hearing

Our first job is to file a bond motion to get you released from jail, pending the hearing on the probation violation.

After the bond hearing, we conduct an independent investigation — examining police reports and interviewing witnesses to help build a defense to the charge of probation violation. Here are a few questions we commonly ask:

  • Was the violation willful?
  • If you failed a urinalysis or drug screen, was the testing equipment in proper working order?
  • Did you have a reasonable excuse for failing to report to a probation officer or for changing residences without approval?
  • If you were charged with failing to pay fines or restitution, are you under financial hardship but making a good faith attempt?

Helping You Avoid Objections To Early Termination Of Probation

Many judges will allow for someone to petition the court to get off probation early once they have completed the conditions that were imposed. However, there are roadblocks in the way of this. The state of Florida will normally object to your release from probation early. Furthermore, the judge will set it for a hearing and ask questions as to why you should be removed from probation.

Our job is to help guide you through this process. Plus, we will set the hearing with the judge for you and talk to the judge on your behalf.

By terminating your probation early, you not only save money since you do not have to pay for the cost of probation anymore, but you are also free from the constraints of the state and do not risk a violation of that probation that can lead to incarceration.

Yes, Our Attorneys Can Visit You In Jail

The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates with offices in Orlando, Florida, makes jail visits to consult with clients who have been arrested on charges of violating probation or for violations of community control.

Jail visits are usually necessary in probation and community control violation cases, because the offender will usually be arrested and placed on a no-bond hold. A no-bond hold means that the offender will remain in jail until a hearing is held on whether the offender actually did violate the terms of their probation.

Set Up A Free Consultation Now

We give every new criminal defense client a free and confidential initial consultation. We offer reasonable rates, and flexible payment options may be available. And, with two board certified criminal defense lawyers on staff, we are more than prepared to help. Call 407-680-2093 or send an email today.

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