Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

What Is Pretrial Diversion In DUI Cases?

Under certain circumstances, your drinking and driving case may be eligible for a pretrial diversion program or PTD. This is an option that our law firm will explore in every first-time DUI charge in Orange County. PTD is a program that gives you a chance to get your DUI dismissed.

Once you hire a lawyer at The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates, we can work toward getting you into this program and ultimately getting your charges dismissed, and later sealed or expunged.

Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation with a skilled DUI defense lawyer: 407-680-2093. Our defense attorneys have the extensive legal experience you want on your side. Once you are represented by a lawyer at our firm, your attorney will work with you personally to pursue the best solution possible in your situation.

What It Takes To Get Into The Program

The DUI diversion program in Orange County requires the following:

  • The defendant must have no prior alcohol-related driving history.
  • The defendant may have no more than two prior misdemeanor convictions.
  • The defendant may have completed no more than one diversion program.
  • The defendant must not have been involved in a crash in the instant case.
  • The facts of the case must suggest that the defendant is a good candidate for the DUI diversion program.

This last factor is where the hiring of a lawyer is important. The state has the ultimate authority to approve or deny someone based on the facts of the case. By hiring a lawyer your chances of getting approved for pretrial diversion are a lot stronger.

There are also two tiers of DUI diversion based on the breath/blood test results or if there was a refusal to take the breath test. This determines how long the diversion program may last.

With tier one, the breath/blood averages to less than .15, and tier two is for refusals or the average breath/blood results are .15 or greater.

Contact Our Orlando Attorneys For Help With Your Case Today

Call The Law Office of Corey I. Cohen & Associates, at 407-680-2093 or contact us online to find out more about DUI diversion and for a free screening to see if your case may qualify.

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