Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Attack by sword?

On Behalf of | May 12, 2014 | Criminal Law

This is one of the bizarrest stories you may ever read. I guess you can’t spell bizarrest without arrest.

A man is now facing numerous charges, including attempted murder, after Orange County investigators claim he tried to kill a woman with a sword. Perhaps he has been watching too much Game Of Thrones.

This all happened at a home in Winter Garden in the middle of the night. Deputies said that the man burst into a home and beat up a woman who was living inside. She ran to a neighbor’s house for help, and deputies said the attacker threw a propane tank through the window of a neighbor’s car. The suspect beat up the elderly neighbor and then went after the woman with a sword. They said he then held the sword to her throat and forced her into a car. Luckily, deputies caught up with him and the victim was able to jump out of the vehicle safely.

The attacker was caught after a short chase and now faces numerous felony charges including attempted murder, armed kidnapping and fleeing and eluding. It would come as no surprise if he drugs were found in his system during this insane rampage. It’s quite possible that he could have been an abusive boyfriend or stalker. 

Needless to say, this man is going to need one hell of an attorney to keep him from spending years in prison. If he has a past criminal record it will make things even harder for his defense team. I just want to hear and see the reactions when “exhibit A” (a sword!) is brought into evidence.