Allegations of false imprisonment usually develop from emotional disputes between family member and friends. These allegations can change your world forever, as spending time in prison could be a real possibility with the proper legal advice.
There are a few examples of “false imprisonment” in the state of Florida. The imprisonment can include physical force to prevent any escape, as well as verbal threats of physical harm to the victim. If someone is tied up or locked in a closet, thus preventing any chance of leaving the home, that would be a common example of false imprisonment. No chance for escape or even a chance at phoning for help will be considered “false imprisonment”.
Many cases of false imprisonment have involved feuding family members, which makes things pretty murky. Lots of lies and payback can be involved. That’s why it is crucial your defense attorney investigates the situation that led up to this charge. In order to be convicted, it must be proven that the defendant intended to confine the other individual.
Defense lawyers and their clients, who are charged with false imprisonment, can go different routes in order to prove their innocence. If the defendant can show that the confinement was done for a good reason, perhaps for the protection of the individual being confined, then the false imprisonment charge might not be upheld. Another defense strategy includes consent by the person allegedly confined, as in they asked to be tied up. The positive news is if you are ever charged with this crime, that there are a few ways out.