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NFL player arrested for Shoplifting

On Behalf of | Oct 14, 2014 | Shoplifting

Another NFL player is in the news for being in trouble with the law. But it’s probably not what you are thinking. This time an NFL player’s brush with the law revolves around stealing from a store. Dallas Cowboys running back, Joseph Randle, was arrested last night for shoplifting from a suburban mall. He was charged with a misdemeanor Class B theft of $50 to $500, and was released on writ bond at early this morning. Randle is accused of attempting to steal underwear and cologne from a Dillard’s. 

Some people don’t believe shoplifting is a serious crime, but depending on the circumstances of the alleged crime, it can be. When hiring an attorney to defend you from shoplifting charges, it is crucial all questions be answered. Could there be a recording of you stealing? Can the store employee accurately identify you as the person caught stealing? Did you leave the store with merchandise or was it a case of mistaken identity? Did you intend to purchase the merchandise but simply forget to pay for it? Could you have been in the wrong place at the wrong time? 

All of the answers to those types of questions could mean there was an error of judgement on the part of the store. Sometimes employees of a store rush to judgement based on a customers’ appearance or perceived attitude. A defense attorney‘s goal in a shoplifting case is to minimize the potential negative impact of your involvement and focus heavily on the potential errors of the store and its security.