Jon Jones, a UFC champion, has decided to turn himself in following a hit-and-run incident that he was allegedly involved in this past Sunday morning in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The fighter is now facing a felony charge after allegedly hitting the car of a pregnant woman. The woman suffered a broken arm from the accident. According to Jones’ arrest warrant, the woman also suffered a wrist injury, and is scheduled for an ultrasound to make sure her unborn child is healthy after this accident.
Jones has been charged with leaving the scene of a crime. This is a felony charge that potentially carries serious prison time in New Mexico. Before the news of the woman’s injuries, Jones was looking at a potential only a misdemeanor.
Eyewitnesses told police that a man fitting Jones’ description, in a silver SUV, struck the woman’s vehicle before stopping and returning to the car to grab a “large handful of cash.” Jones then allegedly “shoved the cash into his pants” and fled the scene. A marijuana pipe with marijuana inside of it was found in the car, which is believed to have been a rental.
This isn’t Jones’ first brush with the law. Back in May of 2012, he was arrested on suspicion of DUI, after he crashed his Bentley into a telephone pole in Binghamton, New York. Jones pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor DWI charge and avoided jail time.
Unless his lawyers come up with a creative legal defense, he may not be that lucky this time around. Leaving the scene of a traffic accident, especially when injuries are involved, is a very serious felony charge. Prosecutors and judges treat this as a dangerous crime depending on the factual circumstances.