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Are intoxication apps new wave or junk science?

On Behalf of | Feb 11, 2016 | Blood Alcohol Tests

Over the last several years, the American public has seen a boom in the technological advancement and use of the app. In fact, there are apps designed to track your movement, count your calories and most recently, predict your blood alcohol concentration. As younger crowds celebrate with a drink in one hand and their cellphone in the other, these intoxication or “drunk” apps may be the new safety wave of the future, if they work.

Intoxication apps for cell phones and other mobile devices, attempt to predict your blood-alcohol concentration through information provided by the user. These apps usually request user information like body weight and gender and then factor in the amount of alcohol consumed over a specific period of time. While this may seem like a reasonable formula when determining BAC, many intoxication apps do not request the user’s height or age, which are generally accepted anthropometric values in determining blood alcohol concentration levels.

Considering that these intoxication apps do not take into account all factors when determining BAC, they may be quite a bit less reliable than a traditional Breathalyzer or blood test. These apps may be able to communicate the base principles behind intoxication, but may fall short when calculating specific values related to their user.

Although these apps may be able to provide a rough estimate of intoxication, without taking into consideration all the elements of a traditional anthropometric calculation, receiving an accurate value may be difficult. Individuals that depend on these apps to help avoid driving drunk may want to stay informed of the apps limitations in the event they are charged with a DUI. Speaking to a DUI defense attorney may also be beneficial to those that have received a DUI.