Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Does A Controversial Flier Correctly State The Law For DUI Stops?

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2016 | Breath Test Refusal

Our firm regularly advised clients regarding their rights when it comes to DUI stops. For that reason, people regularly turn to our firm for guidance on many of the ideas floating around the internet about DUI stops. In one case, however, good old-fashioned print media is at issue.

Fliers circulating around Florida are creating not only controversy, but also frustration, specifically with law enforcement officials, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), and other advocates for sobriety checkpoints.

These groups object to a Florida DUI defense lawyer distributing the fliers that read:

“Do not speak at all. Not one word. Record everything with audio and, if possible, video. Keep your hands where the officer can see them,” In addition to displaying the flier on their closed car window, drivers should also show their license, registration and insurance information.

The leaflets have gained national attention. The criminal defense attorney’s firm also uploaded video providing information on the practice, encouraging viewers to follow the specific instructions on the back of the flier. The presentation also shows officers reading the card and telling the car to proceed.

The presentation has more than two million views to date.

Members of law enforcement claim that they have a legitimate right to conduct the stops. According to Florida Sheriffs Association president and St. Johns County Sheriff David Shoar, “They wouldn’t be allowed out of that checkpoint until they talk to us.”

So what are in fact your rights in this situation?

If you are facing this issue, you want to rely on a law firm that delivers candid and frank advice in these matters so you yourself can make an intelligent decision about how to handle your legal concerns. You need to be able to rely on an attorney who will help you separate real legal guidance from legal quackery.

That kind of advice comes from a skilled and experienced defense attorney who will employ the legal steps necessary to protect your rights.

To learn more about these issues, please contact our firm.