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Domestic violence: Are police biased against men?

Domestic violence can involve abuse by both parties, making it difficult for police to determine the core abuser and the primary victim.

Often, people think of intimate partner abusers as being men. However, many women also commit this crime.

What is a domestic violence charge?

You can face domestic violence charges if you cause physical injury to a household or family member by touching or striking them. Officers can arrest one or both partners. In Florida, 29.3% of men and 37.9% of women experience this type of violence.

What are the penalties for domestic abuse?

Your partner cannot have the charges against you dropped. If convicted, you could face a $1,000 fine and up to one year in jail. Other consequences can include a mental health evaluation, restraining order or anger management class.

How does gender play a role?

Mandatory arrest laws and other regulations encourage police to take action when someone reports a domestic violence incident. These gender-neutral laws aim to protect the victim of the crime, whether a man or a woman. When both partners display violent behavior, law enforcement must determine who is at fault.

Although studies do not indicate lenience toward women in these situations, an officer’s personal bias may lead to unfair treatment. If your abuser makes exaggerated claims to the police, you may get arrested based on false accusations.

What are your defense options?

You must understand your viable legal defense strategies to avoid a criminal conviction. Depending on your case, some possible defenses include:

  • Acting in self-defense
  • Unintentional harm
  • Defending your property
  • Not the primary aggressor

In the United States, 1 in 4 men are victims of domestic violence. Stereotypes and misleading statements can result in unfair charges against you. Know your defense options to clear your name.



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