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ICE Official Caught in Child-Porn Probe

On Behalf of | Jun 9, 2011 | Federal Crimes

Anthony V. Mangione, the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for South Florida, was recently placed on paid administrative leave as federal agents begin investigating multiple images of child pornography he received via email on his home computer.

Investigators from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and FBI seized Mangione’s computer after a tip from AOL, Mangione’s internet service provider. Efforts are currently ongoing to determine whether Mangione has sent, received or distributed child pornography.

Stopping those who produce and distribute child pornography has been a main focus of ICE in recent years. According to the Miami Herald, Mangione himself often spoke out against those who share illegal images through their computers.

Child Pornography Convictions May Mean Serious Punishment

A conviction for the possession or distribution of child pornography brings not only stigma, but also the possibility of a long prison sentence. According to a Wall Street Journal report, those convicted of possessing, receiving or sharing child pornography received an average federal sentence of seven years in prison in 2006, the last year for which statistics are available. The mandatory minimum for downloading child pornography is five years in prison without parole under the federal sentencing guidelines. Some defendants – generally those in possession of a particularly large number of images – may even receive 15-20 year prison sentences.

An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

If you are facing investigation for child pornography crimes, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer understands the penalties you are facing and can help you protect your rights. For more information, contact an attorney today.