It’s hard to beat back progress. The “drug war” is becoming increasingly unpopular, especially when it comes to marijuana. It seems like many states are ready to become the “new” Colorado, and Florida is one of them.
A brand new poll shows a majority of Florida voters support legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, as long as it is prescribed by a doctor.
The poll was done by Quinnipiac University. It shows that support is at more than 80% of all groups, including 84% to 13% among voters over 65 years old.
Before you are ready to spark one up to celebrate…
When it comes to personal use, the majority shrank drastically, 53% to 42%. 58% of men supported recreational marijuana use, while 48% of women were in favor and 46% were against it.
It’s not surprising to learn that 75% of voters 18 to 29 years old support recreational drug use. Voters 30 to 64 years old favored the use by smaller margins, but weren’t too far off. People 65 years or older were opposed 61% to 33%.
The bottom line is: this is coming faster and faster and before you know it Florida will be just like Colorado. Until that day, you have to understand that law enforcement is still strict when it comes to marijuana. If you’ve been arrested on any drug charge, such as distribution or trafficking or possession, it is important for you to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fight for your rights.