Think about how much you drive in a day. Going and coming from work. Out for lunch. Maybe out to dinner or to pick up food for the night. Meeting friends socially after work hours. If you live in the Central FL area you are going to have to deal with toll roads. The most common ones being the 408, 417, 528 and the FL Turnpike. Having a SunPass or E-PASS eases the headache of constantly looking for loose change, but sometimes drivers lose track of how much money they have put into their SunPass account. If you haven’t received an email or a letter from SunPass about your account’s low balance, then before you know it you are in the red.
If you contact a defense attorney for your mounting toll violations, they might tell you that this is more common than you might think. Just ask NBA superstar Dwight Howard! He had multiple toll violations that eventually led to his Florida driver’s license being suspended.
Perhaps you have moved, so the home address you originally had when you signed up for SunPass doesn’t match. Maybe the email you had with SunPass is an email you haven’t checked on in years? There have been quite a few cases where the camera at the toll has malfunctioned and snapped a picture of the wrong car.
While toll violations don’t seem like a big deal, they can make your driving life a living hell. Just one toll violation can add three points on your driver’s license and land you a potential fine. So you can imagine that if you incur toll violation after toll violation, your driver’s license could very well be suspended. Don’t ever let it get to that point. Stay on top of the situation and hire a defense attorney with experience in handling toll violation cases.