Stalking can be defined in many ways. In the state of Florida, stalking is “willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly following, harassing or cyberstalking” another. That sounds pretty straight forward, but there is more to it than that.
Stalking is not only just for face-to-face encounters. It can be constantly calling or texting, e-mailing, leaving notes or sending letters, leaving or sending objects. This all falls under a pattern of unwanted behavior with some malicious intent attached to it.This pattern of behavior can cause substantial emotional distress to the “stalkee”.
But what if it is all a big misunderstanding, or perhaps even false accusations? Far too often, stalking accusations are just forms of exaggeration.
If you are accused of this behavior, hire an attorney immediately. Together you can fight the charges by putting your accusor in the spotlight.
Did they preserve any evidence that proves stalking actually happened? Do they have specific dates and times? Any witnesses? Where has the stalking taken place? Were any e-mails or texts or letters or photos sent?
This is too series of a charge to be thrown around and usually it involves personal matters. Most cases have spouses or ex-spouses, boyfriends/girlfriends, pressing charges. Stalking charges are misdemeanors, but misdemeanor stalking can still get you a year in prison. Felony stalking charges can land you in prison for up to five years.
The worst thing you can do, if you believe the police are investigating you for stalking, is contact the alleged victim. You must not have any direct contact at any time. And you never talk to law enforcement without legal aid. You might be 100% innocent, but any of these could prove to be a major slip up. Remember, you might be the actual victim here…especially if they lied about your actions.