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Has a DUI put your driver’s license at risk?

On Behalf of | Feb 12, 2020 | Uncategorized

When you make plans to go out for drinks with friends, you likely know that almost anything could happen. A few too many drinks, and you could end up making a fool of yourself in front of others. Of course, you could also just have a glass of wine or one beer and spend your evening sober while catching up with friends.

Because alcohol can act as a wildcard in some scenarios, you may not always plan ahead as well as you should. As a result, you may have intended to drive yourself home after the evening ends, and even if you have too many drinks, you may think you are fine to drive. Much to your dismay, an officer pulled over your vehicle, and you now face a charge for DUI.

Effects on your license

Undoubtedly, you do not want to face a conviction for the criminal charge brought against you. You know that the punishments for a conviction can vary, and you may have particular concerns about your driver’s license. After all, the judge could choose to suspend your license or even revoke it depending on the circumstances, and neither outcome would bode well for you.

While a suspended license is less severe than a revoked license, it still means that you do not have the full driving privileges that you once had. In fact, you cannot operate a vehicle until the court lifts the suspension. This may happen after a certain period of time has passed if you face definite suspension, or you made need to take a particular action, such as paying a fine, if you face indefinite suspension. Definite suspensions are common after alcohol-related violations.

License revocation

License revocation means that the court has completely canceled your driver’s license. As a result, simply waiting a few weeks or months or paying a fine will not get you your license back. In fact, if you do want to reinstate your license, you will have to request approval to attempt to regain your license from the DMV. The DMV can deny your request, and even if approved, you will need to pay any civil penalties and retake the driver’s tests.

In efforts to avoid these outcomes, you need to start thinking about how you want to approach your criminal defense. It can certainly be difficult to know which option may work best for you, but luckily, you can enlist the help of a knowledgeable Florida attorney during this ordeal.