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The Orange County Sheriff’s Office Is Getting Tough on Street Racing

On Behalf of | May 31, 2023 | Blog, Traffic Violations

Did you know that of every 100,000 drivers, 3.48 have received a violation for street racing? From 2018 to 2022, Florida drivers received 6,641 citations for these violations.

Illegal street racing has become an epidemic in Orange County, Florida. Residents of Orlando and Windermere report regular street and drag races and drifting competitions.

February Orlando incident

One Saturday night in February 2023, 15 street drivers decided to hold a street race on South Summerlin Avenue and East Anderson Street. The drivers did donuts in the intersection before speeding off. Unfortunately, this was not a one-night phenomenon. Residents say that these races occur regularly during the weekend. They complain about the inconsistency of the police response.

April Orlando incident

In April, the Orange County Sheriff’s officers arrested nine individuals because they suspected the drivers of burning out and doing donuts in an Orange Blossom Trail parking lot. Although many other people were there, only nine went to jail, one on drug charges and the rest on street racing or reckless driving suspicions.


However, Orlando police have begun cracking down on street racers. They have begun arresting participants, such as 19-year-old Jacob Love, for reckless driving and impounding their vehicles. The Sheriff’s office wants to send a message that it will not tolerate street racing in Orange County.

Street racing penalties

In Florida, street racing and acting as an active spectator is a first-degree misdemeanor. In fact, this crime has a non-criminal traffic infraction classification. If they receive convictions, street racing suspects can have their licenses suspended for one year and pay fines of up to $1,000. The police can also impound their vehicles for one month.

Orange County residents may start to see changes as law enforcement cracks down on illegal street racing.