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Is it legal to record officers during an interaction?

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2023 | Criminal Law

According to the ACLU, Arizona passed a law in 2022 to make it illegal to record officers during interactions. However, the same is not true for Florida.

While some legislation seeks to limit the ability of citizens to record, there is no law banning recording officers while they are making an arrest or handling official duties. Recording encounters with law enforcement officers has become commonplace. People use smartphones to document interactions with officers, aiming to ensure transparency and accountability. However, it can often lead to issues that bring up questions about rights.

Legal rights

It is legal to record officers during interactions, as long as you are in a public place, such as streets, parks and sidewalks, where you do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy. You can openly film or record officers in these spaces without infringing on their rights or breaking any laws.

Points to keep in mind

It is possible to cross the line, though. Some actions could go beyond what the law allows.

While it is legal to record officers, you should not interfere with their duties. Keep a safe distance and do not obstruct their work. Interfering can lead to legal consequences.

In private settings, such as homes or businesses, the rules may change. Recording audio without consent may have different legal implications. In addition, some places, like courthouses and federal buildings, may have strict rules against recording.

Officers may not always be aware of or agree with the laws regarding recording. If an officer confronts you about it, remain calm and assert your rights politely. It is advisable not to escalate the situation.

Recording officers during an interaction is generally legal in public spaces. While it can be a valuable tool to capture what exactly is happening, you must do it responsibly and respectfully.