Let’s face it, receiving a DUI charge is bad enough. The hassle, humiliation and fines are difficult enough to handle without facing the next 12 to 18 months of no driving. If you are like so many other Florida residents, chances are your family depends on you for income, and you rely on your car to get you where you need to go to make it. Looking at an extended period without a license can impact your ability to provide for your family, and may even give your employer a reason to send you packing. So what can you do? You can get a temporary hardship license.
A temporary hardship license can make all the difference after receiving your DUI charge or conviction. Some restrictions apply to individuals seeking a temporary hardship license, but an experienced attorney can tell you if you are eligible to receive one.
For individuals facing a DUI charge and license suspension, the effects can be devastating to your whole family. You may have to rely on family and friends to shuttle you around, and that can strain relationships and family resources. Your need to drive to and from work or school can make a driver’s license a necessity, and without it, your very livelihood could be at stake.
Florida laws regarding DUI, license suspension and receiving a temporary hardship license are complex, and require the experience of a skilled criminal defense attorney. When deciding if a temporary hardship license is available to you, a trusted attorney can help. With their skill and knowledge of Florida law, your time spent without a license may be minimal. Beyond receiving a temporary license, your attorney may be able to help minimize charges and the damage they cause, allowing you to get back the rights you lost, and keep the life you love.