Trial-Tested, Trial-Ready Attorneys

Drug Crimes

Florida’s Drug Abuse Prevention And Control Law Ruled Unconstitutional

U.S. District Court Judge Mary Scriven recently struck down Florida’s Drug Abuse Prevention and Control law, holding it violates due process because it does not require that prosecutors prove an accused knew he possessed illegal drugs to secure a conviction. The History Of Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act In 1996 and 2002, the Florida Supreme Court decided two cases…

Florida voters to consider legalizing medical marijuana in fall 2014

Limited medical marijuana use is now legal in Florida, and voters will soon consider expanded use, which may have mixed effects for residents and visitors. In June 2014, Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill legalizing limited use of medical marijuana. People in Orlando with conditions such as cancer, epilepsy and Lou Gehrig’s disease can now use prescribed marijuana without risking…

Florida senator files major bill to enhance medical marijuana law

A senator in Florida recently introduced a bill that would legalize medical marijuana and give doctors the authority to prescribe it. Recently, according to The Huffington Post, a state senator in Florida filed a bill that would expand on the state’s current medical marijuana law. If this bill is passed, those who can benefit from using marijuana to ease the…

Florida jury acquits Hollywood man accused of growing marijuana

A Florida jury has acquitted a man of cultivating marijuana after he argued he needed the plant for medicinal purposes. Man claimed marijuana was necessary to help treat his medical condition A Florida jury has delivered a historic verdict by acquitting a Hollywood man who freely admitted that he was growing and consuming marijuana, according to NBC Miami. The man…

Do drug dogs need search warrants?

Recent Supreme Court rulings clarify when officers can and cannot use a drug dog to conduct a search. Dogs have always provided a useful service to man. They have served as guides for the blind, companions to the disabled, protectors of children, and today, they are a frequent tool used in law enforcement. Orlando officers often use specially trained dogs…

Poll shows legalization of medical marijuana very likely

A new poll shows Floridians overwhelmingly support legalizing medical marijuana, although questions about regulations remain. Legalization, however, does not mean people can’t still be charged for possession While the issue of whether Florida should legalize medical marijuana continues to stir up heated controversy, a new poll suggests that Floridians are overwhelmingly in support of legalization, according to the South Florida…